April 17 - 23, 2016
A note on formatting: It struck me the other day that the table format for these posts maybe not translate into the best reading experience. Also, I think I like the aesthetic of this layout. That is all. 1. What's The Point - Every Song Ever (#43) I often find appeal in this Jody Avrigan-helmed 538 podcast as it strives to overlay data on every day topics, but this week struck a special chord with me. Ben Ratliff, music critic from the New York Times, discusses ideas from his new book about the way we listen to music as the means of distribution shift. I loved the idea that we must have uncomfortable music listening experiences to authentically situate our taste. As much as we strive for automation across many facets of life, our lives do not have a predetermined score as you would expect from a movie of TV show. It's up to us to struggle and fight and discover that soundtrack for ourselves! Ratliff makes the point that listening to a sad song in ...