July 23 - 29, 2017
1. Revisionist History - "The King of Tears" Gladwell's premise this week is both reductive and cavernously complex. Essentially: America is divided into two camps, those drawn to the overtly dramatic and everyone else. The thesis is manifest in a characterization of the traits that make up country music tropes, put up against the less uniform mass of popular rock music. Those who are inclined to stories where tragedy takes center stage tend to be fans of country music. Country artists tend to hail from an exclusive collection of southern states, which enforces the homogeneity of the genre. This sets the tone for a story about a songwriter who capitalized on the distinct sensibilities of the country fan base. It also proved provocative for a long road trip in which my wife played and dissected some of her favorite country songs! Though I fall pretty squarely on the "not country" side of things, approaching the music with fresh ideology made for a pleasant...