September 17 - 23, 2017
THE LIST 1. Radiolab - "Oliver Sipple" Oliver Sipple sounds like a fictional character, and some of the things that transpired in his life are more than Hollywood-ready. Through themes of identity, privacy, and the overwhelming reach of journalism, we find a man whose good will would eventually lead to his demise. Radiolab pieces together a story of what happens when a split-second heroic decision sizzles into a slow burn, consuming an individual from the inside out. In addition to the intrigue and tragedy in this bizarre tale, the show posits some big and largely unanswerable questions about ethical media practices. Amazingly, Radiolab interviews a would-be presidential assassin at the top of the show and manages to craft an episode where this audio is barely a footnote. But at the same time, the intentions of this shooter (long-suffering and seemingly remorseful as she may be for the unintended consequences her actions wrought upon Sipple) go largely unexami...