
Showing posts from February, 2018

February 25, 2018

If you've been paying attention to the news and/or social media in the last week, you've been inundated with anything and everything related to guns and their place in America. I've not intentionally excluded any podcasts on the topic, but the way things shook out there wasn't anything of particular relevance that made the list.  Mike Pesca and The Gist had some excellent monologues last week , and  the latest from On The Media  provided a more classically journalistic angle. Now that we've taken care of that, on to the goods! THE LIST 1.  Hidden Brain  -  "Why Did Marriage Become So Hard" Anyone who is married, wants to be married, has married friends, or is aware of the concept of marriage should listen to this show. Too bold of an endorsement? Maybe. But being pushed to think about this often-taken-for-granted-yet-pervasive thing as a constantly shifting product of culture blew my mind. It had me feeling grateful for my incredible wife ...

February 18, 2018

THE LIST 1.  This American Life  -  "Rom Com" Romantic comedies. Love them or hate them, this genre of film may be the main source of propagating relationship standards idealized by some and loathed by others. In reality, love doesn't come wrapped in a perfect story arc where the protagonist finds bliss at the 11th hour. But are there people all around us who have experienced movie-ready moments in their own lives? Yes. With an emphasis on the "com." And This American Life is here to share them with us. 2.  The Dollop  -  "The Rube" Before the rise of football and professional wrestling, baseball was the dominating force when it came to capturing the surliest personalities in sports. Regularly showing up drunk was among the least insane things Rube Wadell did during a span of time where he out-pitched Cy Young. Yes, the Cy Young whose name adorns the award for the season's best pitching. The Dollop  hits a sweet spot of quirky histor...

February 11, 2018

This week I'd like to direct your attention to a place where you can find a bit more of my writing.  Podcast Review,  a   channel of the LA Review of Books, just launched this past week, and I've contributed a longer-form review of the excellent show  American Suburb.  You can find that particular piece  by clicking here ,  along with other great reviews and interviews throughout the site. I'll still continue to write  The Pod Piper , while also occasionally contributing to  Podcast Review.  Now, on with the podcast recs! THE LIST 1.  The Cracked Podcast  -  "Why We're Terrible At Taking Care Of Our Mental Health" The publishing world is awash with countless volumes on the topic of self-care, often seen through the lens of dieting or self-actualizing via positive thinking. But that was back in the olden days, when outlets for anxiety and self-preservation occupied the quiet recesses of the thoughtful r...

February 4, 2018

THE LIST 1.  Hidden Brain  -  "Lost in Translation" It's not topical, it's not from a new show, it could hardly be described as sexy. But this episode of Hidden Brain stuck with me all week, and served as inspiration to rededicate myself to learning Spanish. New language learners will find this especially fascinating, regardless of the level of mastery attained. Even if you've never tarried far from your native tongue, this will get you thinking about the way people communicate within cultures. 2.  More Perfect  -  "One Nation, Under Money" This one, on the other hand, is extremely timely. The Superbowl kicks off in a matter of minutes (or has recently happened, depending on when you happen to be reading, or is happening right now, depending on how attuned you are to popular culture and/or any friends that may be huddled in your living room glued to the screen), and with it the centerpiece of American commerce with the commercials found ...