
Showing posts from February, 2019

February 17, 2019

Note: The terms “Sasquatch” and “Bigfoot” can be used interchangeably to describe the creature that supposedly dwells in North America. I utilize both in this review. SOMETHING NEW For the general public, finding the perfect gateway podcast to get you hooked can be like searching for a mythical creature. A couple of your more eccentric friends probably swear by one show or another, and a community of avid followers serves as testament to the medium’s appeal. Most of society is familiar with a couple notable examples. Is Serial the Lochness monster of podcasts? Is Marc Maron Bigfoot? Do any of these things merit one’s investment of time and the questionable impact on one’s social standing? (Generally speaking, professing my love of podcasts to a new acquaintance garners much less interest than if I were to tell someone how I enjoy basketball). Laura Krantz’s Wild Thing bares witness to those who’ve aligned themselves with an embattled cause - be it hunting for a new species ...

February 3, 2019

New year, new layout, new release schedule! Welcome back to the Pod Piper. After taking a month off, I'm back to bring you all some quality podcast recs in a slightly different way. My goal is to transition from a weekly post to one that drops every two weeks, with an extended episode list and perhaps a greater devotion to publishing the Something New section every single time. We'll see how it all works out...let's go. SOMETHING NEW When listening to The Sound and the Story , one can’t help but feel the sincerity in what might otherwise be described as angsty music. Yeah, I’m talking about emo, but this podcast also features indie rock, rap, alt rock, and punk. And really, isn’t music of any kind a sort of inexorable plea of the soul, when mere written word or speech simply won’t do? That may be, and as the saying goes, “there’s no accounting for taste,” but don’t expect to find David Kallison tackling Rod Stewart or Lady Gaga. The host selects a record and deftly...