
Showing posts from May, 2020

May 19, 2020

I've been trying out a lot of new stuff this past month or so, and there's no way I'm going to get to reviewing it all. So this time around you've got several shorter somethings simmering somewhere southerly. THE LIST 1. Richard's Famous Food Podcast  - "Truffles For The Trufelman" RFFP could rest on its experimental peeklay perfection, but with such an infrequent release schedule you might as well go for it and make an episode where Avery Truffleman tries truffles. This might seem like a lazy shtick if it were attempted by a lesser podcast, but RFFP is a greater podcast. And any chance one has to experience Avery Truffleman in some new context is a chance one must take.  2. Everything Is Alive  - "Eugene, Tattoo" This show is such a singular listening experience in the podcast landscape. The comedic angle and compact format makes for a great social listen - Everything Is Alive deserves lolz. The novelty of interviewing an objec...