
Showing posts from April, 2022

April 6, 2022

It's April and I missed March and I'm mixing it up - just three episodes and one show this time around. Because, you know, variety is spicy Life. If you're really jonesin' you can always check out the archives , ye olde archives , ye olde spreadsheet or ye olde spreadsheet archives if you're really feeling it. But if brevity be the food of love, skip the links and just read on. THE LIST 1. Slate's Working  - "How Does the Director of Operations at a Soup Kitchen Do His Job?" If you are wondering how this seemingly random 2018 episode landed in your inbox this week, I’ll let you in on a little secret: I do not commit my listening capital exclusively to the production whims of modern podcast producers. There are a handful of shows - including Slate’s Working - that I’m dedicated to listening through from the beginning. (More to come on that front, someday, maybe) And let me tell you, this episode is a gem! Feeding people at scale sounds like it ...