Curiosity is the mother of invention

I like looking at my past and learning about myself, but I don't care much for introspective journal writing (It can be really therapeutic, the problem is that it doesn't translate all that well from the moment of origin).  My wife has set out to record a subjective list of her daily activities in journal form, which serves as an excellent record of of lives, and while that doesn't capture granular details of my life's activities it encompasses the highlights.  Yet I want something more.

The other day I read something about how podcasts are simply another form of modern techno-addictive glare, just as habit forming as instinctively checking Facebook or playing Candy Crush without even realizing it. Perhaps the idea for a blog was born out of my desire to rationalize the rather large amount of time I devote to listening to podcasts.  To be fair, I do attempt to fill space that would otherwise be filled with natural sounds of my environment, and I do glean some amount of pleasure from vanquishing my ever evolving queue of downloaded episodes.  But this is also about something more, about championing the great audio and story telling masters of our era.

For as much as we are experiencing the golden age of television, I submit that the current podcasting world is every bit as rich.  These people deserve to be heard; both the creators behind the mic and the people who tell their story in front of it.  Each week on BlogCast, I'll list the top podcast episodes that passed through my ears. Let this be a jumping off point for discovery.  Podcasts are no longer as blandly rambly or poorly produced as some may think (though speaking extemporaneously and recording a show from home has recently been validated in a big way).  I hope I can help you all find something great.


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