February 19 - 25, 2017

1. Hang Up and Listen - "The Balls Can Ball Edition"
Hang Up and Listen consistently provides alternative takes on mainstream sports as well as unearthing quirkier stories that tend to evade the headlines.  "The Balls Can Ball Edition" is quite representative on both counts, and the heavy does of basketball pushed this episode to the top of this week's list.  HUAL capitalized on the shocking trade of Demarcus Cousins to New Orleans for basically nothing, and by inviting ESPN writer (and recent Cousins profile writer) Kevin Arnovitz to guest co-host in Mike Pesca's stead.  Add in a story about fan empowerment in decision making, an interview with basketball dad LaVar Ball, and a compelling argument for San Antonio Spurs coach Gregg Popovich to run as the Democratic presidential candidate in 2020, and this edition of the show lands with a satisfying amount of whimsy, wit and analysis.

2. Kurt Vonneguys - "Mother Night"
Kurt Vonneguys combines two of my favorite things: podcasting and Kurt Vonnegut.  On each episode, the Vonneguys tear through one of Vonnegut's novels to append criticism, praise and fan theories to the work.  So far the books discussed are ones I've read, albeit several years back.  My distinct inability to remember plot makes these episodes especially revelatory, though I'm sure that the thorough approach of hosts Alex Schmidt and Michael Swaim would engage listeners across the spectrum of Vonnegut exposure.  "Mother Night" reflects on one of my favorite novels, and turns and already crazy story on its ear - shaking out bits of ephemera that only serve to further endear me to the late great storyteller and cynic.  "Mother Night" is exceptionally dark, and I think this show serves up the appropriate amount of levity to complement the mix of humor and despair found within.

3. The Cracked Podcast - "Cracked's 2017 Fake Oscar Awards"
After an adamant disavowal of the Oscars at the top of the show, the team at Cracked dives into the world of the awards.  Not only does this podcast pick apart the 2017 nominees with commentary on who was left out, but it also goes deeper in a time traveling trip to 2012.  With the acknowledgement that time allows for a more equitable perspective on cultural relevance, The Cracked Podcast seeks to avenge the losers from the 2012 Oscars (for movies released in 2011).  Critical acclaim does not always mete out accolades to the movies that will remain relevant for years to come, and so with the benefit of hindsight firmly in hand the crew dishes out some meaty banter on genre films, money as democracy at the box office, and the categories that need to be added to the ceremonies.

This American Life - "Grand Gesture"
Hidden Brain - "On The Knife's Edge"
Only Human - "A Three Year-Old Girl, a Colony of Dogs, and One Very Rare Side Effect"


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