April 17 - 22, 2017

1. Radiolab - "Shorts: Unraveling Bolero"
Thanks to a recommendation from a friend, I dug into the depths of the Radiolab archives this week and found this gem of an episode.  Seeking to wed art and science as they are wont to do, Jad and Robert dissect two phenomena separated by time and space in this exploration of the age old question: Does life imitate art or the other way around?  Furthermore, is it possible for a piece of music to unintentionally drive someone out of their mind...twice? If you're interested in creativity and the tie between artistic ability and the human psyche, this short from 2012 is essential listening.

2. Hidden Brain - "Schadenfacebook"
We're all susceptible to the dangers of Facebook overexposure.  The average user would likely peg the social giant's main problem to be its function as a time wasting black hole of monotonous scrolling.  And while there is truth to that, the far more troubling bit is how the constant refreshing can start to bear down on how we idealize the lives of others.  Hidden Brain does away with mere hypothesizing bluster, supporting theory with a compelling narrative of a woman who fell prey to the siren call of peer comparison.

3. This American Life - "The Other Mr. President"
Russia has a natural appeal for storytellers.  That's as much a credit to the rich cultural history as it is to the modern mystery in which the country is shrouded.  The central figure of the storied nation, of course, is maniacal-genius-god-everyman Vladimir Putin.  This American Life mounts an admirable campaign to unearth a little objectivity amidst the state run media and deep-seated loyalty of citizens who have lived through a lot of tumult.


The Cracked Podcast -  "Commonplace Ideas Invented More Recently Than You Think"
99% Invisible - "Sounds Natural"
Millenial - "Seeing Red and Blue"


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