December 31, 2017


This week, The Pod Piper shakes things up a bit with a rundown of the various year-end shows released as 2017 draws to a close. If you've only got time for one thing, The Daily's minimalistically brilliant rundown of the year in audio headlines ("Special Episode: The Year in Sound") really puts the year in perspective.

Yearly Review
Taking stock in the classic "what happened?" mode, these shows each framed a look back at 2017 through their unique editorial lenses.
It's Been A Minute with Sam Sanders - "A Special Year-End Edition"
All Songs Considered - "Poll Results: Listeners Pick The Best Albums of 2017"
Code Switch - "Before We Give 2017 The Middle Finger"

Check-in episodes The art of the follow-up is catching on in podcasting, and these shows did a great job of tracking down interviewees to see what happened after the initial story aired.

Sometimes an interview begets amazing tape that simply can't be integrated into the final cut of an episode. These shows 
collected some of the material left on the cutting room floor.
The Allusionist - "Bonus 2017"
Ear Hustle - "Songs From S1"
Best ReplayThe content so nice you'll hear it twice! Usually a mechanism to fill air time, this ploy is more acceptable at the end of the year as podcasters seek to discern what worked in 2017.

Unique formats
Love and Radio asked listeners to call in and spill secrets in the form of voicemail messages.
"The Secrets Hotline, Vol. II"
Part-time Genius looked ahead to 2018 and outlined exciting events to anticipate in the new year.
"9 Things to Look Forward to in 2018"
The Gist went meta and dissected other year-end lists on each episode aired in the final week of 2017

You'd be forgiven for thinking this was the 2017 retrospective I've been vaguely teasing. It is not. The year is not over. Not yet. ONE MORE WEEK!


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