June 12, 2018


The issue of slavery in America has not been properly dealt with. Sure, most Americans acknowledge that forced labor built the foundation of this country, but have we had an honest reckoning with this atrocious part of history? Germany aggressively shouts down their Nazi heritage in the public sphere, but the United States has been content to dismiss the large-scale injustice of slavery as a dusty remnant of a bygone era.. 

2. Revisionist History - "Free Brian Williams"
Can't journalists make honest mistakes? Or, for that matter, can't we all? Malcolm Gladwell drops misconceptions of memory out of the window, and lets the sun glisten off them as they slowly plummet and shift before our very ears.

3. Planet Money - "REDMAP"
This is an issue most of y'all are going to recognize but, if you're like me, sort of dismiss subconsciously as another broken limb of our crippled political system. But the origin of the thing is pretty crazy, and well-worth the 20 or so minutes it will take to gulp it down. Metaphorically. 

If These Ovaries Could Talk "Emma Has 2 Moms"


On the recommendation of a friend I dabbled into the world of a massive undertaking that is Joe Picks a World Cup Team. Despite the broad scope at hand - to review every single team that qualifies for the World Cup that kicks off this week - the episodes sometimes eclipse the 2 hour mark. The dudes have a good report with one another, but the banter can drift mercilessly off course. Still, if you can brave the tangents. this show is packed with insight and intrigue for any casual or wannabee soccer fan desperate for some sort of bearings before play kicks off June 14th.

From: Independent
Recommended for: People who want to learn about the nations competing in the World Cup and have a very patient attention span.
Drop Schedule: Seasonal, Random
Average episode length: 85 minutes
Rating: Make It Work


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