2018: Podcasts In Review

Well folks, the year that was came and went and I topped my 2017 episode count. In 2018, I listened to 2,166 podcast episodes. They said it couldn't be done. They said they "got a job" and "had a shorter commute" and "could no longer count on those 5 minute episodes of The Writer's Almanac to somewhat artificially boost the numbers." They stopped writing in this tortured pluralized third person because everyone was getting confused. Is it impressive or concerning or simply not that interesting? Your call. Regardless, here is a bit of a look back at my 2018 in podcasting.

Dope episodes
More or less in order from dopest to less dope, but without numbers because THEY'RE ALL DOPE!

Show Episode
Decoder Ring The Incunabula Papers
Tomorrow's World Is This the Real Life?
Love and Radio Such is the Way to the Stars
Reply All The Crime Machine, Part 1 & 2
This American Life Chip in My Brain
This American Life Before the Next One
Decoder Ring The Johnlock Conspiracy
99% Invisible The House that Came in the Mail
Revisionist History The Hug Heard Round the World
Showcase from Radiotopia Errthang #4 - The Good Guy Myth
Revisionist History Free Brian Williams
99% Invisible Billboard Boys: The Greatest Radio Contest of All Time
Revisionist History Burden of Proof
Reply All The Snapchat Thief
Embedded The Red Line

Dope shows
More or less in exactly the order indicated by the numbers, because we gotta have some numbahz.

1. Decoder Ring - Slate Studios
2. Caliphate - New York Times
3. Everything Is Alive - Radiotopia
4. The Anthropocene Reviewed - WNYC
5. Bubble - Maximum Fun
6. Upon Further Review - Slate Studios
7. HORSE - Multitude
8. BOOM TIME with Flula Borg - Ramble
9. Gladiator - Boston Globe/Wondery
10. This Is Love - Radiotopia
11. We Came to Win - Gimlet

Dope music
These shows all have dope intros and/or incidental music, but Today Explained is hair and hats above them all. I can't track down the exact episode, but at one point the mysterious Breakmaster Cylinder crafted a  version of the show's theme with dogs barking. Incredible.

1. Today, Explained - Vox
2. Tournament of Blank - Standalone
3. Serial - This American Life
4. Decoder Ring - Slate Studios
5.The Indicator - NPR

Dope brevity
Last year I went all in on showcasing my listening stats. But that probably isn't super interesting to almost anyone, so I'm just going to stop here. I'm taking a break and will see you all in February. In the meantime, I'd love to hear what your favorites from 2018 might've been. Hit me up in the comments or find me on Twitter @yosterstrudel. Oh, and if you've got a hankering to get the Pod Piper in your inbox, get thyself to ye olde newsletter subscription link. Happy new year!


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