August 14 - 20, 2016

1. Criminal - Eight Years (#48)
Criminal has the potential to be quite dark.  Sometimes this manifests itself in a description of a grizzly crime, but I think the most affecting stories are those that have an element of mystery.  Such is the case in 'Eight Years,' which captures the unbelievably long-running story of a woman who was stalked by a fan of her blog.  I don't mean to downplay the seriousness of the crime - it is indeed an unfathomable violation that no person should ever have to endure - but the ambiguity of prosecuting cybercrime perpetrated across international borders lends an air of intrigue that tempers the typical sense of disgust that tends to accompany true-crime narratives.

2. Flash Forward- Revenge of the Retweet
Do you ever worry about your cheeky social media presence getting in the way of your future job prospects?  It's hard to think so far down the road when you are at your most impressionable age and when you have the most emotions to express, but for people with grandiose plans the future could soon be setup to use your angsty pre-teen poetry against you.  As always, the expert testimony on Flash Forward elevates the discussion and helps to suspend disbelief in favor of imagining a reality under the given circumstances.

3. Slate's Culture Gabfest - Live from The Mount Edition
Is Idiocracy meanspirited?  The culture gurus take on the Mike Judge cult hit 10 years after it debuted, taking into light the current political atmosphere where a reality TV star is running for president.  It would be easy to pile on and essentially slap a #NeverTrump hashtag on this parody, but the gang brings an altogether expected classiness to the table in breaking down the semi meanspirited premise of the film - that poor people are stupid.


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