March 5 - 11, 2017

1. Flash Forward - "California Dreaming"
Last summer on a long road trip, my wife and I had a discussion about which state would make the best independent nation.  We concluded that California's diverse geography and unique economy would make for a pretty decent independent country.  Normally I'd only associate post-civil war secession in the United States with Texas.  Somewhere a few years back I remember hearing that lawmakers in the Lonestar State regularly vote on a proposal to leave the U.S., an idea that has always seemed more like uber-isolationist bravado as opposed to any kind of well thought-through plan.  But as I listened to Flash Forward dissect various independence movements that have ebbed and flowed for quite some time, our road trip hypothetical started to seem a lot closer to reality. "California Dreaming" leans a little more on history and a little less on science than the typical episode from the visionary podcast, and I'm happy to report it is as strong as any episode in the canon.  If nothing else this opened the door to a vast expanse of possibilities for future episodes.  May Flash Forward live forever!

2. Embedded - "Police Videos: Charlotte"
Following Flash Forward's lead and tweaking a tried-and-true format, the season premier of Embedded takes a thorough look at a controversial case rather than living up to the title and embedding Kelly McEvers in a physical location.  That angle is what I loved so much about the first season of the show, and I hope we haven't seen the last of it. All that aside, "Police Videos: Charlotte" is absolutely mesmerizing reporting.  I am so saddened by the backwards nature of seemingly straightforward evidence being used illogically to devastating effect, but the analog to new media manipulating a populace is fitting for our current social and political moment. The relevance of the subject matter is trumped only by the reverence the producing team has for telling this very human-centered story.

3. Planet Money - "Can Trump Take The Money?"
It's not new information, but I'll reiterate it here anyway: President Donald Trump owns businesses that cross international borders, and the new power he now has the potential to utilize seems at odds with the potential to profit personally.  But did you know that there is a lawsuit being filed by a group of lawyers challenging the constitutionality of this conflict?  Furthermore, did you know that's not the most compelling part of this whole affair?  Planet Money takes their trademark fusion of pragmatism and whimsy, adding a dose of history, in service of elucidating this almost-trivial bit of contradiction.

This American Life - "Vague and Confused"
On the Media - "Seeing Is Believing"
99% Invisible - "State (Sanctuary, Part 2)"
The Allusionist - "Sanctuary"


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