July 10 - 16, 2016

1. Revisionist History - Carlos Doesn't Remember
Malcolm Gladwell now has a podcast.  If you're like me, that sentence sells the product - each episode is like listening to a chapter of one of his audiobooks, but with interviews sprinkled in. "Carlos Doesn't Remember" appears not to have much in common with the larger theme of the series as the topic is more current, but it follows the idea that historically America has failed to fully capitalize on the learning potential of it's youth.  Is the system of higher education in bringing the minds best suited for each field of work to the forefront of the requisite industries, or is the timing of reaching out to youth from minority communities not conducive to successful entry into elite institutions?

2. 99% Invisible - Unpleasant Design (#219)
Typically the word 'design' conjures positive and beautiful mental images, much in the way that episodes of 99PI tend to be pleasing to the ear and intellect alike.  But "Unpleasant Design" shows how aesthetic incongruity can be as intentional in a design as beauty.  Weaponizing elements of lighting and sound can cut down on loitering or even subtly prevent drug use in public spaces. People are easily controlled, and it is incredibly revealing whenever this sort of thing gets analyzed.

3. This American Life - Choosing Wrong (#590)
This was the source that alerted me to the existence of Revisionist History, as the episode "The Big Man Can't Shoot" is featured in TAL episode 590.  It details retired NBA star Rick Barry and his unorthodox yet resoundingly successful free throw shooting technique.  The episode tracks the idea that even the top people in a given field have the ability to reject what appears to be completely sensible information. How crazy is it that self-image has historically prevented almost every profesional basketball player from scoring more points?


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