June 26 - July 9, 2016

I've been traveling a lot in the last month, and haven't had the time to write up anything for the shows I've listened to in the previous fortnight.  In order to preserve some kind of continuity with posting, here is the ranked list of all the podcast episodes to hit my ears in the previous two weeks:

1. Flash Forward - Bot For Teacher
2. Invisibilia - The Personality Myth
3. Planet Money - The Future Of Work Looks Like A UPS Truck (#563)
4. Hang Up and Listen - The Kevin Durant Just Broke The NBA Edition
5. Code Switch - "I'm Not Black, I'm OJ!"
6. Startup - 2680 Madison Road
7. Planet Money - Brexit (#707)
8. Criminal - Tiger (#46)
9. 99% Invisible - Remembering Stonewall (#218)
10. Planet Money - Bitcoin Divided (#708)
11. Slate's Culture Gabfest - Independence Duh Edition
12. The Cracked Podcast - 20 Things Sci-Fi Promised Us That We Want Now
13. On the Media - Now You See Me

Apologies for not including links, and I hope to be back on schedule with a normal post next week.


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